Okra Dosa


Ingredienta for Okra dosa

Chopped fresh tender Lady’s Finger – 1 cup
Sona masoori rice (raw) – 2 cups
Blackgram Dal – 4 teaspoons
Green chillis – 1-2 (optional)
Ginger – 1″ piece(optional)

Okra Dosa Method 

Wash, chop tender lady’s finger into small pieces and soak the same with raw rice and Blackgram dal in water for about 3-4 hours as usual .

Grind it in the mixer to a fine consistency adding water in steps to a fine consistency.(Use the same water for grinding the batter and also one may need additional water as well.)

Add required quantity of salt and allow it to ferment overnight

Place a dosa griddle on medium flame and apply a little oil to it. When heated rub it throughout the griddle and sprinkle a little water on the griddle. When dried pour a laddle of the batter on the tawa.

Spread it to the required thickness with the help of the laddle and sprinkle cooking oil on the sides as well as in the middle.

When crispy, serve Okra Dosa hot with the chutney of your choice (See list of possible chutneys here). Yummmm !

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